Leadership Guide

Congratulations on reaching 150,000 rank points and Welcome to the Leadership Team!


You should know everything on this guide and the guides for ranks below you. You will also make sure to keep base in order and ensure people understand rules and guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that people including yourself are respectful to one another. If you see someone is misbehaving too much, get help from a GOV.

You will be required to take a LDR quiz from a member of the foundation team in base or through PM on discord to receive your LDR badge. If you need an invitation to Discord, please ask a Mod+ in base.

If you fail the LDR quiz once you have to wait 1 hour to re-do the quiz, if you fail twice you have to wait 3 hours but if you fail for the third time then you are gonna have to go through a transfer simulation with an OOA+ to do a mock transfer in a different room.


→ Being Respectful as a representative of United Nations. You are now in a position where you fully represent the leadership division of United Nation. We expect you to remain respectful, follow rules and guidelines and assist staff with any concerns they may have. 

→ Assist in the day to day management of the agency. We expect you to assist our Foundation and Moderation Team by ensuring that the day to day running of the agency is being met adequately. 

→ Enforce the Rules and Guidelines.
This would include but isn’t limited to:
1) No talking in AFK Thrones.
2) Do not idle while at Work Stations
3) Countdown and Post idlers at workstations.
4) Do not abuse your authority as a member of Leadership. 


When making a transfer:

Transfer Limits - As a Leadership rank the highest rank you can offer during a transfer is the second rank of Senior Management (Senior Associate [100,000 rank points]). Only OOA/Owners are able to transfer higher, so as to keep our agency fair and ensure that people who have worked hard for their ranks aren’t passed by people who are new to the agency. If you have a possible transferee whose current rank at another agency exceeds your transfer limit, always reach out to an OOA or OWN who can always authorise you to transfer higher.
The minimum rank to offer is SEC and the transferee must have a rank of SEC or higher at their previous agency. If you do require any further assistance with offering ranks to a transferee you can always reach out to the discord channel #leadership-support. 

→ IMPORTANT: Check whether a person has a previous account by using the blocked and inactive users utility (Utilities> Blocked and Inactive Users) and the regular user list (Utilities> Search User List). If they previously had an account with a rank Security or above, let them know they will need to talk to an owner about getting transferred back. 

• For members who have left UN and their rank was below 80,000 rank points, they will be able to have a new transfer offer IF they’ve not been apart of our community for over 30 days.

• For members who have left UN and their rank was 80,000 rank points and above, IF they wish to be offered a new rank (instead of returning with their old rank), it will need to be discussed by the Foundation Team first and it is only considered that they've left UN for a minimum of 30 days.

• Individuals interested in transferring to the United Nations who DO NOT have an existing rank in our system will be able to receive a brand new transfer offer from a Leadership and above after a minimum period of 14 days from the last time they were offered a rank by a Leadership+ in UN.
If they were to return within the 14 day period they would be offered their most recent transfer offer which you can find in the #transfer-offers channel on discord.

• Only Owners can reactivate accounts, so make sure you include their website profile link and tag @ownership in #reactivation-requests


Stages of the transfer process.

Interpret the person’s rank to the best of your ability
When someone approaches the transfer desk you first want to interpret their rank at their current agency. You do this by comparing the transferee’s motto and badges to their agency’s rank list alongside our own rank list. Other things you will need to consider is agency size, when they joined the agency and how many ranks that agency has.  

If the transferee is from a popular agency, you can always refer to this transfer sheet to offer a rank:

Making a transfer offer
Once you have interpreted a person's rank, you should make them a transfer offer detailing the division, rank and RP of the offer. 
You should then log the transfer offer on Discord in the #transfer-offers channel.  When doing this you should use the following format:

Username: (The habbo username of transferee.  It is important it is entered correctly incase the offer needs to be searched for in future)
Rank: (The rank that the transferee holds at their current agency,  This is usually their motto)
Offer: (The Division, Rank and RP that you offered the transferee)
Status: (The status of the transfer.  This may be Accepted, Rejected, Will think about, Left)

Accepting the offer
If your transferee has accepted the offer they will first need to leave their agency’s badges. You cannot continue with the transfer until they have done so.

You will then need to get them to register for an account at habboun.com and complete the initial training just like a normal trainee. Once they pass the quiz you can then ask them to request the required badges and to make their motto
<UN> Their Rank [TheirUNWebsiteUsername] [ABP]
(awaiting points and badges)

Once they have requested badges please get an OOA or Ownership to add the required RP and accept badges. If there is no OOA or Ownership available in base please post in the #badge-requests channel on discord. Make sure that you tag @OOA and @Ownership and mention that it is a transfer still requiring points.

An important part of accepting the offer is you must ALWAYS post a transfer log in the transfer forum found here (https://habboun.com/forum/forum/transfers-forum-leadership-access). 
This must be posted before an OOA+ can add points or accept badges.



→ All LDR members need to be in the Discord server before your LDR badge is accepted. If a transferee has left after you have offered a rank, you are required to mention the offer in the #transfer-offers channel. This is for future reference for other LDR members if the transferee returns, and for you to check if they have been offered a rank before. You do not need to mention the offer if the transferee has completed their training. You will be asked for your Discord details during the LDR quiz with a member of the foundation team.

Please note that as Leadership, you have responsibilities and are expected to stay in our Discord server. Leaving the Discord server will result in one warning. If you abandon your responsibilities and leave the server twice, you will be deducted back to 120k.


If you ever need assistance from a higher rank, please ask them in #leadership-support Discord channel.


If you’re having trouble with transfers, here is a script you can use.

PLEASE NOTE: Using this script is not compulsory, it's here purely for your benefit if you are having issues with transferring.


( Script in bold. Actions in cursive.)

Hello and welcome to UN, My name is [yourname].

I’m your transferrer for today. I gotta check you haven't worked here before.

*transferer checks inactive user list and active user list*

*transferer searches #transfer-offers in discord for transferee’s name and possible previous offer*

May I see your agency's ranks list/website?

*Transferee gives website for rank list*

*transferer checks for their rank on the provided rank list, and compare the length of both rank lists*

*Checks the <UN> Transfer sheet*

*Checks how many members they have on their standard Agency badge*

*Compares when the Agency standard badge was created*

Alright, now I can offer a rank. I offer: [e.g Security, 8ic, Training, 7ic etc...]

*transferee accepts rank*

Ok, please delete your agency's previously added badges.

*transferee deletes badges*

Please click the flag behind you, with the letters WWW.

Go to the link in the flag description and create an account by clicking "Register".

Do not use your Habbo password, please. We don't want to know that.

Under “recruiter”, put: [yourhabboname]

*transferee creates account*

Now please read the trainee guide found under “guides”, keeping in mind there’s a quiz later.

*transferee reads guide*

 Under “quizzes”, you can find the Trainee quiz. You’re allowed multiple attempts if you are to fail.

Use the Trainee guide to pass this quiz, I suggest that you open separate tabs for the guide and quiz.

A score of 7/8 is needed to pass. Let me know when you’re done and I will check if you passed.

*transferee takes quiz and trainer checks score: utilities -> newest agents -> search name*


Well done, you’ve passed. Please make your motto:

<UN> Their Rank [TheirUNWebUsername] [ABP] (awaiting badges and points).

Whenever they receive their points and badges they can change their motto to <UN> Their Rank [TheirUNWebUsername] [rankpoints in K (thousands)]*

I will post a log on the transfers forum and then get your account updated.

If there's an OOA/Owner online you will receive your rank points and badges right now.

*transferer goes to #badge-requests channel on discord and tags @OOA @Ownership to add the correct amount of points and accept badges



Sorry, but you failed the quiz. Please re-read the Trainee guide and retake the Trainee quiz again.


A few reminders before when you finish this transfer session:

1) You now have access to guides for your rank, more quizzes and the forum. Check them out.

2) We have no specific pay time. When you’ve earned 10k pay points, you can collect your pay.

To collect your pay, speak to an Owner.

3) When at FTF, you will either recruit new members or let current workers in.

Recruits need to wear the <UN> badge and make their motto: <UN> Trainee

If they wish to have a transfer, please refer them to the transfer desk (the middle desk in FTF)

To open/close the FTF gate, type :FTF when seated in the station

4) No arrow hunting or stealing seats.

Always leave a 15-minute gap in between each reward you claim.

If there is a free seat with the arrow, you can only claim it if the timer is over 2 minutes.

If you disconnect, the seat or reward is no longer yours.

However, if you disconnect below 2 minutes the seat is still yours.

You may not steal someone’s seat if they accidentally misclick.

5) At all times, respect everyone (especially higher ranks),

and NEVER AFK at work stations (except red thrones).

For more information on our rules, please head to Guides > Rules & Guidelines.


If you have any questions, feel free to proceed to the help desk and someone will help you.

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