[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Internet & Habbo Safety Tips

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Internet & Habbo Safety Tips



Hi guys, have you encountered a problem with your Habbo account? Or even in your WiFi? Last week I received a report from my Anti Virus App in my Phone saying that someone has accessed our router and stealing data saved in all devices connected to our Router, So I decided to change our WiFi password immediately to prevent data theft especially to my mom's business. Do you read this article before in Habbo Page? If you haven't read this before, I'll share you the Safety Tips to prevent Hackers, Scammers and etc.:



These are the top 7 tips for how to navigate the internet safely and securely!

Protect your personal info


You never know who you're truly speaking to online, so never share your personal information! Giving away your personal info - real name, address, phone numbers, photos or school - could lead to you being scammed, bullied or put in serious danger.

Protect your privacy


Never share your any of your personal details. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and Snapchat info. You never know who might get their hands on it!

Don't give in to peer pressure


Just because everyone else seems to be doing it, doesn't mean you have to. If you are not comfortable with something, don't do it!

Keep your pals in pixels


Do not meet up with someone you only know from the internet! People aren't always who they claim to be. If a Habbo asks you to meet with them in real life say "No, thanks!" click 'Ignore' on them and tell your parents or another trusted adult.

Don't be scared to speak up


If someone is making you feel uncomfortable, threatening you, or pressuring you to do something you don't want to, put them on ignore, and report them immediately to our moderation team using the "Call for Help" button.

Ban the cam


You have no control over your personal photos, videos + webcam images after you share them on the internet. Once an image is posted, it can never be removed, will be viewable by anyone and could be used to bully or blackmail you. Before you share a pic or video, ask yourself; are you comfortable with people you don't know viewing it?

Be a smart surfer


Websites that offer free prizes, credits, furni, or "staff rights" are ALL scams designed to steal your password. Never give them your login details or download files from these websites. They could be keyloggers or viruses!


In my opinion, we should be careful of what we are sharing especially in internet, every details you share thru internet can be used by an attacker to hack or scam you and your account. IP Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Location should be kept in private between you and your parents only. Installing Anti Virus can help you protect your pc from virus, spyware, malware, ransomeware, phishing, data theft etc. and keeps your privacy private and encrypted. I prefer Norton Anti Virus because it prioritize internet security and scans websites for possible phishing, hacking and data theft.


dont use your real email

dont use your real email address for 'unimportant', personal sites (like this one). the site owner might grab it from the DB (yep, that happens. online friends arent always friendly) or someone from outside with ill intentions might access the DB. an attacker could search your email in a register of public leaked databases and find your commonly used passwords with ease (yah, ive done it many times). then its game over for your privacy and all your online shit. use this service https://temp-mail.org/

use different passwords for different sites and change passwords often. everyone knows about this advice but not many follow it out of laziness. you can write your pws down on a paper so you dont forget

dont open links you get in emails. yep. theres pretty much never a reason why you should open a link in an email, unless you requested a password change on a site and need to confirm it via mail or something. if you get a mail that for example tells you you need to follow the link and reset your password because "You might have been hacked", it is probably a phishing attempt. the mail can look 100% legit and still be fake. the senders email address can easily be spoofed using a SMTP server to make it look like anything. if you get such a mail, open a new tab, go to the site and reset your password there. no following links NEVER. following links and typing in your details without thinking is most of the time the reason why you get hacked. OK?

dont download weird shit like executable files (.exe on windows). executable files are for software and such THAT YOU TRUST. you might be chilling one night listening to music and think "hmmmmmmmmm i needa download me some good music". so you find a site where you can download your favourite song and you hit download. now, the file should be named "songname.mp3" or some other sound format. not  "songname.exe" not "DownloadTool.exe" shit like that is some kind of virus or adware. just think "If I wanted to infect others with virus and adware, how would I do it?"

and how you would do it is by

and how you would do it is by playing on your victims emotions with shit like "You might have been hacked" "Click this link for free 100 credits" etc. and have them click your link/download your malicious shit. just dont believe that CRAP CUS IT. IS. NOT. TRUE

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