[DOF] Entertainment: Listen & Learn: My Interview With Tyler

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[DOF] Entertainment: Listen & Learn: My Interview With Tyler


When I posted my very first interview (with Purple), I promised that a thread will be made every last week of the month, featuring a UN Member.  I have had the privilege of interviewing our Main Owner, Purple and ofcourse last month I got the chance to chat with our Founder Cindy. If I remember it right, I told my subject/interviewee of my intentions of interviewing him for this month, as early as first week of September.  I am delighted he agreed to do this. So, won't you grab some popcorn and get yourselves comfortable and join me in My Interview With Tyler.

LB:  Hi Tyler.
T:    Howdy.
LB:  So how would you like this interview to be; serious or casual friendly.
T:    Casual friendly.
LB:  Alrighty, you ready?
T:    Yes.

LB:  When did you first join UN and why did you join?
T:    I joined about 3 months ago and at that time, I had no intentions of staying in UN.  I joined thinking "oh this should be fun" not taking it very serious, but as time went on I started to enjoy the company of people.  I started taking things more seriously and started to actually contribute to UN in a positive way.  I don't know when I decided to do it but I don't regret it.

LB:  Why the sudden change in character from the smart a@# TeeVo to the almost serious Tyler?
T:    I like how you fit "almost" in there.  Honestly, I think it was the relationship I made on the way towards my current position that made me take things "almost" seriously.  It got to the point where I didn't want to be a smart a@# to people anymore.  I like the crowd in UN, once you get to know everyone, they're pretty chilled out here.

LB:  What's the difference between Tyler and TeeVo? How much of Tyler and how much of TeeVo is in Shamwow413?
T:   TeeVo, is my personality when I'm in a playful mood.  When I'm in a playful mood I will change my character and just mess around with people.  Honestly, that's truly who I am tho, I'm a goofy person by nature.  Tyler is someone you can talk to on a seriuos level and honestly, I like to be able to have real conversations with people.  Sometimes I get into moods where I don't want to take every little thing seriously, you know.  Of course I will always be tolerable but I like to have little fun.  I think I am 60% TeeVo and 40% Tyler.

LB:  For this interview, are you more of Tyler than TeeVo?
T:   I've put on my big boy pants fot his interiew to be Tyler for this one.

LB:  What is Tyler afraid of?
T:    I'm terrified of heights.  If there was one thing that I would lose composure on, it would be at like high places in the air.  I'm normally very good under pressure.  I think that's the only thing that could break me.  Heights are a no-no for me.  You know those roller coaster rides that lift you like hundreds of feet in the air, I won't gon on those.  So yeah, I'd have to say heights is my biggerst fear.

LB:  Would you go bunjee jumping or sky diving?
T:    Sky diving, absolutely not.  Bunjee jumping, it's up in the air, I mght and only cause people do it over water. I'll feel safer.

LB:  So you won't sky dive, even if you are assisted?
T:    Nope, no heights for Tyler or TeeVo, anything can go wrong.

LB:  Tell me, does Tyler aim to be OWNer / Founder of UN one day?
T:    I will take the Founder position from Cindy .... jk ... But yes, I do want to someday be OWNer.  Founder, ehh I'm not sure, that's a heavy task.  I have awhile before I look that far ahead anyway.

LB:  Speaking of looking far ahead, how long do you see yourself being in UN?
T:    At the moment, I don't see an end.  I have no reason to stop playing.  Everything is good on this end and I know things can change, but I'm sure I'll always find a way to at least stay somewhat active.

LB:  Correct me if I am wrong, but you don't seem to be connected wth any Special Unit.
T:    You are correct.
LB:  Why is that?
T:    I used to be ing Department Of Communications [DOC] but that's about it.  I left because I honestly wasn't enjoying it.  I would do some random tasks and I didn't know why.  I didn't see a reason to continue doing something I didin't enjoy doing.  I was however in Department Of Events [DOE] for a day; but then I got overwhelmed with the time table. LOL, Don't ask me how but I got confused, I didn't know how to tell the times.

LB:  Timezones are confusing.
T:    Yeah, I got overwhelmed and I just told them I wasn't interested in continuing; pretty much the same thing with DOC.  I haven't found a Special Unit that I enjoy yet so I guess that would be why I'm no longer in any special unit.

LB:  If you could change one thing about UN, no questions asked from Cindy and the whole foundation team, what would it be?
T:    Wow. Change one thing; I don't even know.  Hmmm.  The amount of rank points and OOA+ can transfer to.  Also stronger penalties for people who repeated go idle while filling work stations. I think I'm going with that one.  That rule is stressed so much yet I never see much people penalized for it, not saying it doesn't happen, I just personally haven't seen it done very often.
LB:  Would you recommend all OOAs to have room rights to slurp them?
T:    Honestly, I don't know about that one because that would be a lot of people with room rights.  So if we have like 25 people or something, I'm not saying it would happen but, maybe an argument could break out, something could happen.  There's just a lot of trust needed and sometimes upredictable things happen.
LB:  So you'd recommend deductions?
T:    Probably, yes.  But at the end of the day, this is all speculation.
LB:  So would the deduction be on all who idle, regardless if they claim the arrow or not?
T:    That's a good question, but yes, regardless because, if you think about it, they are occupying a work station, someone else could have occupied it, would definintely take some effort but if we had some sort of chat to log all the times someone idles within that day or x amount of hours, you could upload the screenshot there.

LB:  Okay, we've reached the part of the interview that I like to call Quick Questions or QQ, you have any idea how it works?
T:    I think so ... ???
LB:  It's easy, I'll just ask you something and you just tell me what first comes to mind, sounds easy? You ready?
T:    Okay, let's go.

LB:  Coffee or Tea
T:    Coffee
LB:  Early Bird or Night Owl
T:    Night Owl
LB:  Lights On or Off?
T:    Off
LB:  Phone or Laptop
T:    Phone
LB:  Winter or Spring
T:    Spring, only because of baseball season
LB:   Speaking of baseball, football or basketball
T:    Football
LB:  Bad news or good news first
T:    Bad news first, so it gets out of the way
LB:  Beach house or Log Cabin
T:    Beach house
LB:  Ocean or lake
T:    Lake, because sharks are scary
LB:  Right or Left
T:    Right
LB:  Lavender or Blue
T:   Blue

Of course, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to get a photo-op with the infamous Shamwow413. (It's actually proof that he did the interview, so he can't deny the answers *winks*).

So please do watch out by last week of October for another interview, it just might be you...


This is actually a really good read. Well done Lav and Tyler

Great article, enjoyyed

Great article, enjoyyed reading about our famous ShAmWoW413. Keep up the great work!


This is really nice!

Love the little interview

Love the little interview room n.n


Thank you to everyone who have read and commented so far.

Tyler actually told me, and I bet he's going to deny it, that I should promote the link more on discord, cause he needs the exposure.

@unicornsweg, it's my Office, that section is just part of it.

Again, thanks guys.

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