New Application for mobile users

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New Application for mobile users

XxShannonxX have discovered a new app named Puffin Browser, it is a super fast browser with Flash Player which will help mobile users to have full features of habbo (which is available only in pc) while playing habbo on mobile. Another thing is when you're using the app you can multi-task, open a new tab to go to our website without getting disconnected which is the major problem when we use mobile and we can't do our job in some stations that requires us to go to our website like: Checking Username (Active/Inactive or Blocked) in Security, Training Guide and Newest Agent (to give the training script and check if a trainee passed his/her quiz) in Training and Leadership Guide (to give the transfer script to a trasnferee) which is really necessary to do our job. Download now and feel like you're in pc with a fast browsing speed (suggested for Tablet Users) but it's also good for mobile. Any suggestions/idea about this topic and application is all welcome, please let us know how we can help :)



*To be true, sometimes I feel guilty that I reached a division but I can't do anything at all in that division and I'm still ranking up.*



I remember that app! I have it for my Ipad, thank you so much XDChillax


Now I can play habbo and not waste any more space on my tablet. I'll report back in a few days on my experience here!

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