NEW Unit Leader Application GOV+

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NEW Unit Leader Application GOV+


We are currently seeking a brand NEW Department leader within United Nations to run our very own Department of Media.
As many of you may know we say fairwell to one of our Founders of the Department of Media Sonia (Muva.), who has departed from Habbo and UN due to life commitments and personal priorities. We wish her the very best of luck within the Future.

As a team we strive to make the public more interested and involved within UN. Gaining more participation during our Events, tune into our Radio and join our Community. The Department of Media is a special unit in UN, we are a group of standard members within our United Nations who enjoys keeping social media up to date with the hottest gossip within our Community.
Our objecives are to keep Habbo members interested and up to date with UN, major changes, events, radio shows and of course Giveaways.

As we say goodbye to a very special member within our Community, we make room and open our arms to a brand new bright face for the hopes of new ideas and exciting stuff to come within the future of the Department of Media team. We are looking for a new name to be the face of the Department of Media, so if you believe you have what it takes to make us proud.
Please read the requirements and fill in the application below. 

Requirements as a Unit Leader
You must be atleast 400k (GOV)
You must be an active member within our UN Community
Must have an active Skype account
Must be able to work in a group enviorment and communicate productively
Be a positive influence within the rest of the team
Respect Diversity
Be able to adapt to change quickly
Able to understand the needs and priorities within the Department and members
Not let personal opinion influence with the best interests within the Unit
Organised and be able to complete or set tasks on time

Department of Media Unit Leader Application
Your Habbo username?
What is your current rank?
How long have you been within the UN Community?
Do you have an active Habbo Twitter account?
Why are you interested in this position?
What benefits can you bring to the Department of Media team?
What makes you different from every other applicant?
Do you have any experience in running a Department?
If you were selected, what changes would you make?

Thank you for your time filling in the application.




Your Habbo username? lauram123xo

What is your current rank? [OOA] Chief Director

How long have you been within the UN Community? I joined UN on the 23rd December 2015.

Do you have an active Habbo Twitter account? Sure do.

Why are you interested in this position? I`m always posting on social media whether it be facebook, snapchat, twitter, instagram or pintrest, it`s what I enjoy doing. Plus Cyndii told me to apply ;)

What benefits can you bring to the Department of Media team? A positive attitude, some great ideas on how to improve DOM and also encourage everyone in DOM to be as active as possible to make sure all of UN is up to date with events and other announcements.

What makes you different from every other applicant? Define different I mean we are all diffrent, we all have diffrent aspects on how to improve DOM. The only thing I would say the is different about me, is I like to have everything organised even if it means submitting a DOM task at the last minute.

Do you have any experience in running a Department? Ive always been in charge of running certain groups at school aha so I don`t know if that counts. I`ve recently become a head DJ of DOR which invovles helping DOR owners run the department.

If you were selected, what changes would you make?I have been in DOM in the past and it is a great department filled with great personalities and people that are willing to work together to improve DOM everday.


Your Habbo Username.


What is your current rank?

- Ambassador

How long have you been within the UN community?

- Since 24th of February 2014, but I've left a few times.

Do you have an active Habbo Twitter account?

- Yes, I do. @iAhmed089

Why are you interested in this position?

- I've been in United Nations for quite a while now. I have also reached quite a high rank sometimes so I've dealt with quite a lot of people in my journey in United Nations. It would be also such a huge honour to take part of an interactive department like Department of Media.

What benefits can you bring to the Department of Media team?

- Fairness is the most important thing I would bring if I earned the position. Other than that, I would come up with in-department events that would help grab others' attentions into joining the Department of Media.

What makes you different from every other applicant?

- I helped alot of people with many several problems that they were dealing with in United Nations. I also took part and was a high rank in United Nations, so I have earned several experiences from my old ranks.

Do you have any experience in running a Department?

- I didn't quite run a department in United Nations. I was only helping in running a department as a Head rank in multiple different fansites. Talking about in real life departments, I used to run an orgainzation department which helped into organizing events in and out of school.

If you were selected, what changes would you make?

- As I have just said, I would bring some in-department events that would help grab the attention of more people into joining. I would aswell bring some of the experience I had and try to help using them within the deparment.

DOM Leader Applications

Your Habbo username?


What is your current rank?

Gov+ ( Soon I will be Owner...hehe)
How long have you been within the UN Community?

For almost 2 years I believe...
Do you have an active Habbo Twitter account?


Why are you interested in this position?

Because I do Management IRL
What benefits can you bring to the Department of Media team?

I give people money, and everyone likes money. So giving people money for doing simple tasks should be a simple task itself.
What makes you different from every other applicant?

I have actual work experience and a department shouldnt be ran by kids..
Do you have any experience in running a Department?

Yes, I was Admin for DOR
If you were selected, what changes would you make?

Admins and head leaders within the departments as well as the the UN shoudl be able to post on all medias; Instead of limiting media to Twitter, well go on multiple sites and start making exclusive benefits via each seperate media site.


DOM Unit Leader Application

Your Habbo username? LolNobody


What is your current rank? [GOV] Chairman


How long have you been within the UN Community? I joined United Nations on the 6th November, 2015 so it’s been roughly a year.


Do you have an active Habbo Twitter account? mhm, sure do! @LolNobodyHabbo


Why are you interested in this position?I’ve been a part of DOM before for a short while, but had to leave due to my national exams. Now that my exams are over, I was planning to rejoin DOM now that I can devote more time to UN, and it’s great now that this opportunity to be a Unit Leader of the DOM has come along.

I definitely take much pride in my Social Media, like my Instagram feed for example, and twitter is like my online diary. Basically, Social Media is one of my few heavens and where I like being, online, and being part of DOM, or it’s Leader for that matter, will definitely be a dream come true.


What benefits can you bring to the Department of Media team? 

Fun, positivity, a can-do attitude, and lots and lots and lots of love. I believe I can bring real passion and energy to this role. I have a strong desire to help others, in this case, UN, and develop myself along the way.


What makes you different from every other applicant?

My DNA. My fingerprints.

My eyeball pattern. Okay, I’m just kidding. I love being different and surprising and not fitting stereotypes. I’d say I’m a perfectionist, and I want things done properly and to it’s maximum potential, to it’s tiniest details. I’m also a dedicated team player.


Do you have any experience in running a Department?

A UN department, nope, which is pretty much why I’d like this opportunity :) x 

I’m aware that this role involves time pressure and that you are looking for someone who can multitask and work across several projects at once, with regular deadlines. In real life, I’ve been elected as Department heads, mostly for Publicity for my school, which is quite similar to what DOM does. So I definitely do have experience which can be applied here. 


If you were selected, what changes would you make?

With my time in the DOM previously, I think it has been established in a very professional yet fun way. So I wouldn’t really change any of the old practices. I would, instead, add on stuff that might be attract more people to join UN, or take part in our events. I’d also definitely take into account other DOM members ideas, because we’re a team for a reason! I fully believe a team that is communicating well will be the most productive and successful.




This would have been great but im still at LDR lewl cry. xD up up up up up

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