Username change

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Username change

I know Cyndii. or Scottyy?! can do this

If you are one of the mentioned above, please:


Change my HabboUN Website Username, because I'd like a new one ;3

From: -Phonix
To: Hannah

If you are not one of the mentioned above, please:

Let the mentioned above know about this thread, so that they'll do. Thanks if you do!


Hannah, has this been sorted for you yet? 



Username change

Hannah I have messaged Cyndii. privately to ask if she can/will do it so will update you when I have news. Hope this helps :)

Username taken

Hannah, I'm sorry but as it is just a name it has already been taken by another member. Let me know if you have a more unique name you'd like to change it to and I will organise it for you. Best wishes, Shane

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