Workstation and Helmet Concerns :)

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Workstation and Helmet Concerns :)

Greetings, UN members! There has been concerns that more workstations should be added because most of the time the stations are all occupied. Also, some are bothered at the fact that sometimes helmets spawn at empty seats and that helmets should spawn at seats that are actually occupied. In addition, there has been a suggestion that perhaps, UN should spawn two helmets at the same time.

Please share your thoughts and opinions about these concerns! :) Thank you!​

the helmet is at random it's

the helmet is at random it's going to spawn at a seat with someone not in it at times. 


I think the amount of workstations is just fine cause it isnt always full and I think the helmet at random (not only in occupied seats)is good because if not when there are not many people on work stations then, they will always get the helmet :)


Yes, i agree that the number of workstation is not enough. At times, the place will get too crowded there isnt any space for us to work in. Yeah, although its gonna get harder due to the fact that the chance of getting the helmet is getting lower. I agree in the fact that we should add the two helmet feature if only more workstations are added. This is only an opinion :) Some people may think otherwise. 


I see what your concern is..

The fact that all the workstations are occupied could become a problem, I agree. BUT... (always a but), having two helmets given at once gets all confusing for Scott and also do you know how much more expensive it would be for him. It is like doubling the amount of pay that he is giving everyone.

I do think though that we need to find a solution  for these concerns, it just may take a bit of time. Guys keep thinking of new idea's and im sure we will get there somehow.

Thanks for bringing topic up :)

   - carissafrazis



I think we dont really need

I think we dont really need more to UN becuase most of the time its empty and only a few times a day its everfull.... And i agree with dylan but the last time i told scott to reduce the chances he said it will take too long to do it. What is really a big probelm for me is that more and more people are idling and afk is full always when im online.


I agree I believe two helmets should spawn at everytime as it can be a while for some people to get the chance of having the helmet, I think there could be a few more work stations however I am not majorly concerned by this idea. 

Soon we will be getting a

Soon we will be getting a completely new and more fair system, and a slightly larger base to accompany for more people. Adding more work stations in reduces people having fun and socializing in base, when there's not any stations that you can fill why not have some fun? Have a chat with some friends, get to know people around base, after all that's why we are here, to have fun! It's not always about working :) 

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