Users Who Listed Me As Their Recruiter

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Users Who Listed Me As Their Recruiter

I have worked at trainer positions many times and recruited many people, but I only have one successful person that listed me. Almost all people I have trained said they put my name down correctly but I still only see one? I'm not sure if this is a glitch or if my trainees are just not following through.


Hey hey!

Two reasons why (that I know of) they may not be showing:

1. Trainees don't automatically realise they have to put your website name into the Recruiter field, not your habbo name. They may also have mis-spelled it correctly.

2. They need to have claimed at least one arrow to appear on your profile, so make sure they know how to record it correctly. From then on, they stay there until they are deactivated or go below 1k rank points.

There may be more reasons that I forgot to mention, but thats all I know of at this time.

Happy Training!

- nat965

Ahh, i bet its because they

Ahh, i bet its because they never play after. Guess I dont make it sound very appealling..

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