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On October 2nd, I had put up 4 points on the scoreboard for being at the thrones. I have put them up on the 3rd AFK room. It has been more than 3 days and I still haven't gotten my reward yet. On October 5th, I have put up 10 points on the scoreboard in Room 10 and I have already received the rewards for that. Why haven't my rewards from Oct 2nd not been uploaded but the rewards on Oct 5th got uploaded? Did Oct 2nd get skipped? Please let me know because I have been at the thrones for those points for a long time! 




Sadly, due to a small miscommunication with the Owners changing boards, all boards from the first week of October were wiped before we would get to them. However, we will be adding missing points to those who know what they had on the board (we trust you all not to take advantage and name a large number you didn't earn). Thanks for letting us know - your name and your missing rewards have been added to the spreadsheet, and someone will add them to your account soon.

Sorry about this issue!


Thank you so much! Glad this

Thank you so much! Glad this is getting sorted out. Have a nice day!

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