Discrimination: Sexism

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Discrimination: Sexism

What is Sexism?

Sexism is basically prejudice, stereotyping, or discriminating against either genders (male or female). Most sexist remarks are usually verbalised against women. Although we are now living in the 21st century where women are allowed to vote and work there are still remarks being thrown around.


Everyday remarks

Everyday both men and women, boys and girls encounter sexist remarks thrown at them by either the opposite or same gender. Some remarks in which boys may encounter are;

Most remarks are aimed towards women. Most of you have probably heard others say ‘women belong in the kitchen’ or that women are only good for cleaning, cooking and looking after the kids. We are just meant to be housewifes.



My experience

Now i'm not going to say that i have not said anything that is sexist or gender stereotyped, because i am guilty of saying some gender biased remarks. Even though i may have said them as a joke, i still said them. I grew up in a family where 2 of my uncles and my grandpa were so single minded that they didn't approve of me learning how to cook on a BBQ because ‘it was a man’s’ job. They disapproved of me learning how to use an axe for cut wood for the fireplace which i had to light for my grandmother during winter so she wouldn’t freeze while they were at work. When we were knocking down my old house i went to go help knock it down but instead i was told by my uncle that it was “too dangerous” for me (because i’m a girl) and to go stack bricks with my mum and aunty. Even though i was 17years old, i still didn’t understand how it was too dangerous for me to help knock down the house, but it was safe for my 8year old cousin (who was a boy) to help knock it down.


Those are just a few examples of what i encountered growing up. So comment below your opinions and experiences or any other topics you would like me to write about.

Statistics regarding male and

Statistics regarding male and female abusive behaviour towards each other, even in all the different cultures are alarming and we must face up to this. Thankfully there are many men and women who behave with 'consideration' and 'honour'. We have the queen, a female prime minister, women bishops, and many other women playing prominent roles in the UK and we're still talking about sexism ? Thankfully, many things have changed but despite many years of legal equality, women's pay and opportunities generally still lag behind those of men. Personally, Im all for equality on every level. I think it's as hard to justify inequality, both are expressions of fallen cultures, they both dehumanise people and violate the image.

Comment 2 - 05/08


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