[DOF] Movies movies and more movies! -HotCheetah798/Charity

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[DOF] Movies movies and more movies! -HotCheetah798/Charity


We've all got that one favorite movie that we just want to watch on repeat. I personally have a favorite tv show i like repeating it to watch it. My repeat Movie is Ant Man. My show that i repeat would be American Horror Story.

Speaking of the show, American Horror Story, Just came out with the 6th season on Netflix for U.S.A. and the worst part? I dont know when this happened. I was too busy watching DC Legends of Tomorrow or being at work,  or hanging out with friends. I really dont know when it came out. If you know could you tell me when it came out?

I watched that new "Deathnote" movie when it came out on the 23rd of August i believe. I find it terrible. The fact that they don't keep as much contract to the actual anime in it frustrated me. I refuse to watch Deathnote the Movie EVER again now. 

I watched the Second "Annabelle" movie, the entire time i watched it I was wondering why I never got scared from horror films. I would give the second "Annabelle" movie a 3/10 I was too busy trying to fall asleep during that movie. I would say it needs a better theme of scary.  I loved the horror film "Wish Upon" though. I guess I'd give "Wish Upon" A 7/10 it could have been better and actually scared me, I felt more like it was a romance though.

I can't watch any Chucky the doll movies. For the fact that my fathers nickname was chuckie. I guess im too scared that it'd actually be my father as the chucky doll.. Ridiculous I know but I just cant watch the chucky films.

I also watched the "Geralds Game" By Stephen King's book ... I didn't like it.. Too more cannibalistic Dogs. I will never watch this movie again because of this.

My go-to snack for watching shows is peanut butter cookies or twizzlers or jolly ranchers  or popcorn depending on my mood, what's yours?

Whats The films you can't watch? What films can you not want to ever watch again? What films do you suggest me watching? What TV shows or movies, do you Refuse to watch ever again?

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