15 Minutes Rule

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15 Minutes Rule

I want to clear this up .

What is actually a 15 minutes rule when no one , including the OOA/OWN abide to it ?

I was sitting on an arrow next to the arrow I previously collected and I said to base : "If no one wants this , I am taking it ." No one reply hence I was just sitting there .

Before I went into tele , one GOV called out my name and said that I can't collect that reward . Then I told him I've seen OOA/OWN doing it so why can't I . But then I agreed to wait at the tele till my time for the 15 minute rule is up to collect the reward .

Apparently the GOV got his arrow and went into the tele . I went in as well but he stopped me in the tele hallway saying I can't get that reward because I only waited for 5 minutes (10 minutes total from previous reward) But what he forgot or doesn't know , BOTH THE GOV AND I COLLECTED THE PREVIOUS REWARD AT . THE . SAME . TIME .

He simply replied : "Oh yeah . But do not do it again next time" And he went into the tele to get his reward .

I'm putting this out because I'm tired of seeing lower ranks getting called out for the 15 minutes rule but SOME of the higher ranks not abiding to it .

So tell me UN , does everyone follows the 15 minute rule or just sitting on the next available seat nearest to the arrow ?


We all made a mistake, misscount of minutes from previous reward but we should apply the 15 Minutes from Previous Arrow Desk and Under 2 Minutes Arrow on Desk if you sat on desk with arrow and the timer in under 2 minutes all the time. If you see someone claiming arrow under 15 minutes or someone sat on desk with under 2 minutes on Timer, please let us know first before you post it here so we can resolve the problem and understand what happened.


if you know that it's below 15 minutes from your previous and the seat is free (someone dced), you can't take it even someone discinnected because its below 15 minutes from your previous and you should know it. You can ask everyone about if someone dced or if you can take it, you should know if you can take it ir not. They're busy doing stuffs so they don't actually notice or see you even you arrow hunt but you should know what's right and what's wrong.


~You can only take the seat if the person sitting there disconnected but make sure that that desk/seat is not below 15 minutes from your previous desk where you claim your reward and if the timer is above 2 minutes (2:01 and above) not under 2 minutes (1:59 and below)~

Always remember that rule above before you sit in a desk and always put a gap or skip 2 desk from your previous desk.


[ ] [ ] [ ] [You should sit here] [X]  [X] [If you sit here] - Front Desk and Transfer 

Every box is 5 minutes so if you sit on first desk of Transfer, You should sit on 2nd desk of Front Desk

15 minutes will start to count in 2nd of Transfer, so 2nd of Transfer is 5 Minutes + 1st of Front Desk is 5 Minutes too + 2nd desk of Front Desk which where you're sitting is 5 Minutes too until you teleport to elevators total of 15 minutes. Just Skip 2 Desk even if you sit of Training and you sit in front desk, it has the same time


the box in example is the desks in front desk and transfer desk

Some like to exert the

Some like to exert the illusion of authority over others whenever they get the chance to because it makes them feel like theyre in a bit more control over their life, when they should be busy minding their own business. The dominator society is ridiculous

I'm very clear about the 15 minutes rule BUT

The point that I am sending across is : High ranks should abide to the rules before telling others to . Because it is simply not fair .

I'm not the kind of person to say names on who done what but I admit my wrong and sure I know I shouldn't do what I did .

Thanks anyway . And I hope I don't see such things happening in the future . (:

Just Remind Them

I see the same thing happening sometimes too but I just remind them. It doesn't hurt to remind them, I usually just whisper to them like "wait, didn't you just claim your reward?" or like "15 mins rule, that's only your 10th minute". If they don't reply or do anything through the whisper then I make sure to say it out loud to catch their attention and the others. 

I do have to admit that sometimes it's intimidating to confront a higher rank, even for me when they idle on a seat and you need to count them down but it's just rank and rules are rules. You'd think higher ranks would know the rules better and abide to them but unfortunately that's not the case for everyone. But don't be afraid to tell them about the 15 mins rule or 2 mins rule.

Just choose to be the bigger person really, tell them off than copying their example and getting into trouble. 


Elena, if you do see an OOA/OWN doing this, please privately message me their name and any screenshots if possible. OOA/OWNs should not be breaking the rules since we should be the ones enforcing them. Personally, I have not seen any so I would appreciate it if you can let me know. Low ranks or high ranks, they're all the same when it comes to abiding rules. I've never seen any OOA/OWN let a GOV/OOA member off for breaking a rule if we do witness it, but in fact, they should be setting a better example since they're higher ranked. Thank you for pointing this out and do PM me or other OWNs if you see such incidents. :)

It's cool

Hey everyone . I'm sharing this not to point anyone out .

It's just for future recruits that maybe they can actually point it out to higher ranks and not be feeling intimidated about it .

Sorry if I offended anyone here but I guess I was pretty mad when I posted this .


it can get quite confusing

it can get quite confusing and sometimes i forget where i was sitting ! But yeh its easy if you try and be 2 seats away from where you was last :) its a good point you brought up though <3

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