[DOF] Entertainment: Euthanasia

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[DOF] Entertainment: Euthanasia

In this thread, I would like to discuss about Euthanasia after having a lecture from university about it and having a debate whether we think it’s right or wrong. Working within the health sector, euthanasia is a heated debate whether the act of deliberately ending a person’s life to relieve their suffering is murder? Where I live now, euthanasia is illegal although in my opinion it should be legalised really. Why prolong someone’s suffering when they are living with no quality of life? Fair enough, I don’t think it’s fine if the person wants to end their life because of mental illness where their mentality is altered due to it. Although if it’s a long term/chronic condition or illness/diseases where their life is affected so much and there’s no quality at all, then I would say yeah.

What about you? What are your thoughts and opinions about the topic? Are you for or against? Comment down below your thoughts.

i wish people would wake up

i wish people would wake up and smell the ammonia and realize that if you cannot do what you want with your body and life then you do not own your body and life. isnt it pretty obvious that it should be a basic human right to be able to end your life if you want to? its evil to keep someone alive when they dont want to be kept so. reasons arent really relevant. but our lives belong to the State. this is the most worrying truth. that its "selfish" to die is the most unintelligible propaganda lie. to survive and waste resources and energy is the most selfish act. now we have people who are kept alive when they dont want to be. the cost to keep this person alive for just one day in hospital is enough to feed a fkin village or two or three in india, clean their water, and pay for all the kids education. what the hell?

But you have to think of it

But you have to think of it like this, asking someone to kill you and do it for you is kind of unfair too. Doing it yourself, sure, but it's kind of selfish when you ask someone to end your life for you at the same time... 

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