[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Copying and Pasting Image in Thread in Mobile [Guide]

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Copying and Pasting Image in Thread in Mobile [Guide]




Hello and welcome to another Guide, in this thread I'll show you on how to copy and paste image in threads using mobile.


First: Tap and Hold the Letters/Text not the Image and it will highlight the area where you tap and hold, just like in the image: http://prntscr.com/jhjec9

Second: Move the left highlighter to the left side/part of image by dragging it: http://prntscr.com/jhjeyo

Third: Once the left highlighter is in left side of Image and the image is also highlighted, move the right highlighter to the right side/part of image like in the image: http://prntscr.com/jhjfso

Fourth: Once the whole image is highlighted, tap Copy and go to your thread and paste it there (tap and hold) then tap Paste, and the image will be pasted there:



Fifth: Do the same steps in other images.


Some images are complicated because of its size, so I suggest you put images in Center Align. In case the image you copied is too large to fit in your threads, tap and hold the image on where you copied the image then tap "Search Google for this image" then copy the image in google and try to paste it in your threads. Trial and Error


Feel free to ask any questions here and I'll try my best to answer it :)

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