[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Giveaway Scams

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Giveaway Scams



Have you been in any giveaway? Do you buy Fast Pass to skip normal line? 


In this thread we will talk about giveaway scams and scamsites promotion, I have been in many giveaways and most of them sells Fast Pass so you can skip normal line but there's no difference if you bought Fast Pass in a giveaway where banzais are stacked. It's not actually gives a better chance, it just skip you to a long normal line but the chance is still the same. Fast Pass before is used to be fair until some selfish scammer abused its purpose in giveaway just like xGolanx, we all know that he is a scammer that he is selling a "Sure Win Fast Pass". Think about it before buying Fast Pass, I'm not saying that all Fast Pass is a Scam. Smart Peoples create a giveaway with exciting prizes and stacked banzais so ppls will buy fp but then after the giveaway they close the room, easy credits from Fast Pass. Fast Pass now adays is a business instead of for giveaway purposes.


I haven't bought any fp in any giveaways but I would if I see it's fair and the price is not obvious scam, I've been on RioIsBack's giveaway and it's 100% Fair because she put's FP Prize in banzai and banzais are not stacked. I support fair giveaways by donating furnis, help peoples report scammers. 


Also be aware on some peoples who's telling you to go to this website, they're scamsites who steals your account informations and then change it on habbo (Hacker). There are giveaways that says that they will give you Gold Bars and you need to answer the questions and at the end they ask you to find the answer on a website, don't go there it's a website made by hackers and scammers to gather account infos. Once you logged in your habbo account there, they record all the infos and they change it on habbo. 

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