[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Does it matter?

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Does it matter?

Earlier in base, someone, whom I'd rather not name, but let's just hide him under the name of TeeVo, asked a question and got the ladies' opinion about it.  Perhaps to people who aren't of the right age, it would've been uncomfortable to talk about, but then luckily most of those who were there are able to handle it well.

So I ask you the same question. Does it really matter to you? Like does it really matter to you that you aren't sexy?  Or for the gents, does it matter if you don't have well defined abs?  Does it matter to you that the person next to you in class is more intelligent than you?  Does it matter if you don't have a car to drive?  Does it matter if you have so much money that you can buy everything, but can't buy happiness?

My opinion, it will most likely be based on one's values, principles, religion, customs and traditions, or to what one regards as important, or what motivates them.  I guess it will boil down to oneself.

If you want to be sexy, then find a suitable diet plan. If you want those toned, sculptured abs, then go work out for it.  If it bothers you that the person next to you in class is more intelligent, then do something about it. The important thing is you are happy at the expense of no one but yourself.  So do the things that make you happy.  Don't listen to people who put you down because that's one thing that  shouldn't matter.

Be happy, don't stress yourself over what other people think, that shouldn't and never ever should matter.

Be yourself, be happy.

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