[DOF] Summertime tips 101 with the Sunburn boy

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[DOF] Summertime tips 101 with the Sunburn boy

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It's summer time! which means tme to go to the beach with your friends, get that summer tan that you always wanted or just a casual lay down right next to the pool. Although we do enjoy the beautiful sun and the amazing company there are dangers that summer does contain, that tan could lead to something worse like sunburn (and who wants to be a walking red slap target?) But never fear! your newest DOF member from the land down under where the temp hits over 40 is here to give you some tips to live the best of this summer!

- Always stay hydrated with water! 
- Don't say you need it, sunscreen IS your best friend (trust me, I said I would be fine...)
- Try to keep cool, either it is with a fan, playing around with the sprinklers, taking a dip in the pool or just a cold shower will help
- Although you want to stay indoors, now would be a good time to get some exercise done, probably in the morning before the sun takes full effect.
- Wear a hat to protect your head from harmful UV rays.

If anyone has any more tips, feel free to comment them down below, I hope these all help you enjoy your awesome summer if you are in Australia, or to help you prepare for summer in the northern hemisphere!

Habbo not found!

Dont forget your sunnies,

Dont forget your sunnies, gotta protect them eyes !!!


To all the Aussies out there (Or everyone living in OC), this thread is as must read! Good job Aaron buddy!

Thank you Russ buddy!

Thank you Russ buddy!

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