[DOF] Kryptonite Stones ~ Another Poem

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[DOF] Kryptonite Stones ~ Another Poem

Hi guys~ I posted a poem the other day, and it seemed you guys liked it a lot. I made up my mind from this, I will finish posting my poems that I wrote that I'm proud of, and telling you the stories of how these gorgeous poems came to be. First off this poem is about my first date with someone.


Kryptonite Stones



You looked so far,

I came so near.

I looked in your heart,

You held so much fear.

I cradled you close,

For we were so scared.

A star like you,

Needs so much more, My dear.

Do not fear, 

For I am now here.

Do you see my love?

We are paired.

Together we last,

Together we hold.

Hand and hand,

We are bold.

I tickle you,

And you squirm.

Oh but truly,

I know you won't fold,

Oh my lordies,

How I am ever so cold.

I don't freet for I know,

Your tender minded heart will always glow.

Can you keep me ever so warm?

For I know,

You hold the truth behind the powers

Of my personal Kryptonite Stones.


When he first looked at me, I had glanced him too. I actually got up and sat next time. He was fearing that he would never get a girlfriend, so I hugged him. I myself was scared that I'd never get married. Back then I thought guys were all angelic, obviously I was extremely naive, so to me this idiot was a star.

Anyways so after I asked him why he looked sad when I first met him, he said straight up about his girlfriend dumping him and everything. So I was like "OMG SAME. My german boyfriend just broke up with me!" We then smiled and he asked me out on a real date. I said yes, of course, a park date was fun and all, but back then I wanted a date to be expensive as fuck. 

During the real date I told him "As long as we are together we shall last and make them jealous. We'll be bold together!" Oddly enough we were bolder together... Our exes texted us, and we told them to shoo...

So the date finishes right, we go to my place and he meets my mom (who loves him, cause she loves like 95% of my friends.) I told her we were gonna be in my room and well I started tickling him obviously. He does what most people do when they're being tickled, and squirms up a storm. I'm trying to get him to tell me some deep dark secret with him squirming.

This whole "tickle the secret" out didn't work, he never folded. I did though, folded right into my blankies cause i was freezing(kinda like I am now, or maybe thats back pain.) After getting under five blankies the guy laughs and asks if I'm cold. I scream lightly, "I'm freezing warm me up" At that time when he cuddled me I thought "wow so sweet." 

I, however never knew that he would be one piece of kryptonite, but I always thought of him like that after the 3rd date, when he showed up to a concert dressed as a girl. I thought the guy had lost it, but was still laughing and having a good time. 

Years later, he ended up dating my first friend in fourth grade, Ashley(we call her Andy now through.) Well, apparently he didn't know she was my friend, cause at the time me and him were dating, I was in my "rebel against my friends," kinda phrase. I didn't talk to my friends during this time due to my lost of interest in quite a few things. When I found out, I wasn't mad at Andy, but mad at him. I had shown him tons of pictures of my friends that I could never forget. Even if he forgot these pictures, I was offended, deleted him on facebook, completely rid myself of him.. 

I texted  him about maybe six weeks ago, to see whats up with him, after I had talked to his friend Levi(who is a much better person than him in this case.) Levi told me about how he and my ex had a falling out, and I asked why. The reason was  because this idiot decided that a girlfriend, (WHO CHEATS ON HIM~Without being told shes into poly relationships,) had told him that Levi was trying to get in her pants. Which even I knew was true, because the entire time I dated this idiot, I was trying to get just a kiss from Levi, and it never happened. Levi was a loyal best friend, and I was trying to tell the idiot this when I texted him. Instead, his cursewords of a girlfriend answered saying, "What are you Levi's girl? Here to cuss at his friend for forgetting how loyal his best friend is? Too many have tried that, none have succeeded" I told her "Don't block me and we'll see." 

He still hasn't picked up the phone to text me back, and she hasn't blocked me from his pages or messanger yet. I'ma get Levi back as this idiots best friend though. that's one of my goals for this year. 


Anyways I hope you enjoyed the poem, and the story. Have you ever had an idiot of a boyfriend like this, or have you ever done something to someone kinda similar to this? I'm interested to know!! 


Love Charity <3


Romantically gentle

Dear me, this poem fits our theme since Valentine's is right around the corner. Good job, Charity!

Reply to Romantically Gentle

I know :) im a closet romantic xD 

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