Badge Requests - Please Read

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Badge Requests - Please Read

If you've reached a certain amount of points and you need a new badge, please request the badge in habbo and then post in the badge requests forum located here:

For example, if I needed the Leadership badge, I would make a topic called "B.Smoke's Leadership Badge" and in the post, I would post my habbo name and the badge i needed like I have below.


Habbo Name: B.SmOkE

Badge Requested: Leadership (150k)


Admins and Owners should be checking this forum each day and accepting the badges and replying to the topic saying "Badges accepted" and then clicking edit and then setting the comment settings to "closed" you will earn points for each topic you close in the badge requests forum, so doing your job is a great way to earn points!

If your an owner, you earn 5 points for every badge request you accept, if your accepting badges in base, you can go into the badge request forum and make a topic saying who's badges you have accepted, for example. If i accepted B.Smoke's badges in base, I would go into the badge request forum, make a topic called B.Smoke's Badges and then in the comment field just type "Making a record for owner logs"

Very helpful.


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