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I just want to apologise to James.

I was joking around with him and said some stuff in the meantime, which people heard in base. I said some wrong things that weren't fair and were quite hurtful and I just want to apologise. It was just banter.


Dear Kira, thanks for this, It means quite a lot. People make mistakes and I will not hold a grudge because you were able to apologize for your wrong doings and be friendly about it. People have been spreading a lot of gossip/rumors around base lately, and I'm just glad you have the courage to apologize and hopefully change your actions. Words can hurt people, and give others the wrong message. Hopefully the others can admit to their wrongs and apology so no grudges are held and everyone starts acting a lot more mature and a lot less disrespectful around UN. :) 

Thankyou Kira, James / ChristOfCanada

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