Badges problem!

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Badges problem!

I have one problem with my badges.Today When I came back from school I entered habbo and played normally,but now I'm sitting again on the computer and when I entered habbo I saw that I don't have any UN Badges.I don't know why or how they are deleted or I am fired? Please answer me and help me.


I look into it, dont be scared but ill accpet your badges :)

That is the biggest load of

That is the biggest load of ballshit story I have ever heard, you don't just loose ALL your badges you must of deleted them. Nether the less, I just checked and you have the VS badges and motto. It looks to me like you left UN to get higher (78k) in the VS. You wont get your badges back


You clearly deleted all of your badges, probably at attempt to transfer to another agency. We've had this happen many times and this will be your only warning, next time it will result in a deduction. :) 

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