Unable to acces Habbo

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Unable to acces Habbo

Is anyone else having problems accessing Habbo in the UK? My browser comes up with "502 Bad Gateway" from the DOSarrest Protection Service and I'm unable access the webpage, let alone log in.

Mine logged me into a

Mine logged me into a completely different person, so you're not the only one having problems. But I may be hacked rn so we'll see what happens.

if you're having trouble,

if you're having trouble, there is always ex.habbo.com , that works fine for me.

Same for me, it wouldnt let

Same for me, it wouldnt let me log in and when it finally did, it was to the completely wrong person. 

So glad it wasnt just me!

I thought I hacked someone or something! I felt terrible for these people. Once I realized it wasnt my account, i reloaded, but it brought me to a different person! ex.habbo.com doesnt work either. Maintenance?

Its not just UK

I'm in US, I think it's everyone. Everywhere. Im really annoyed, I was next in the AFK area.

Yeah Its Still down for me.

Yeah Its Still down for me. Anyone got it up and running yet?

Still down :c

This is awful!

I do

I got it up, use ex.habbo.com it works just fine :)

oops my bad.

Yep, just found out that ex.habbo.com works for me too c:

habbo not working

mines is the exact same its driving me nuts! ex.habbo.com isnt working for me either :(

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