Arrow Hunting

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Arrow Hunting

So I just joined UN recently and im loving it. The arrow system is really handy in making sure you get out what you put into the organization. However, it does have a little flaw to it. Some people will "chase" the arrows, trying to get a seat as close as possible to the arrow or going between sides to get arrows faster. Im sure everyone knows about this :P.

I may have a solution to this! Now since the arrow is on a timer and it takes 35 minutes for the arrow to return back to where it was, we could use that in a different way. Why not make it to where when someone sits on a seat, a timer for ONLY that seat (that has lets say.. 30 minutes?) starts and when that timer reaches 0, that person will be sent to the rewards room. If the person gets off, the timer will be reset and the next person who sits down restarts the timer at 30 minutes. The important part would be for each seat to have its OWN seperate timer. 

I dont know, thats just what I think could stop that. Let me know what you guys think!


Good idea, but not really doable.

It's a great idea but it wouldnt really work for a few reasons.  1. Most importantly, the timers only go up to 10 minutes.  Making a 30 minute single timer impossible. Now we could possibly have 3 at each station sure, but that brings up the next issue.  2. space. where would they put 42 timers?  That is alot of space.  Still you have the right idea.  I think it just comes down to ethics for now.  Ironic right?  As you came up with this post with myself in mind.  I assure you that I am all about the growth of the United Nations.  I am glad that you are enjoying UN, and are so enthusiastic about making improvements so early in your employment here.  I'm sure you'll make a great member, Welcome to UN.

Adjustment to my idea

Never knew the timers only went up to 10 minutes, my bad. However there IS always the "WIRED Trigger: At Set Time" to work with. However, I dont have the resources to experiment with one of those so im not sure how to set it up.

Don't see it working

Having that much wired would cause a lot of lag. Never mind how much it would cost to set up.


Very soon you will see the benefits of working hard to rank up pay off.  Those occassional 20 minute arrows rather than the full 30-35 minute wait on the Front line really take a load off making the job easier in a sense.  While also learning the ends and outs of the angency constantly doing several stations. 

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