Employee Of The Week

Employee Of The Week

Latest Winner:

Habbo Avatar

Andrew has been extremely active daily in base, filling stations and proactively engaging with other members! He is also constantly hosting DOE events and DOR DJ sessions to keep people engaged! Andrew continues to set a high standard of work ethics and reflects a friendly and welcoming attitude towards his peers and any new members. He is also willing to step up and help new members if they have questions! Congratulations on receiving this recognition!

Previous Winners

Avatar Date Reason
Habbo Avatar
Week 06, 2025 Lauren has been a positive, active and hard working member of our community for many months now. She always goes out of her way to help other members and support DOE and DOR when needed. So congratulations to her for rightfully deserving this recognition
Habbo Avatar
Week 05, 2025 6o6 is a really active member of the community that contributes both to Special Units and other UN related happenings! His interactions with all the members within the agency is remarkable and really sets a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. He is also showing a lot of initiative in helping to train new members, participating and engaging in interested parties at FTF and generally has a friendly attitude towards all members in UN base. Congrats again, and well deserved on this recognition!
Habbo Avatar
Week 04, 2025 Takazuya has been a welcoming and friendly member to visitors and other members of our community. Not only that but he is active, constantly fills stations and overall supports SUs! So congratulations to him for rightfully deserving this recognition!
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