Habbo: A Visual Bug Fiasco

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Habbo: A Visual Bug Fiasco

"We Know We Rushed The Beta Out As Late As We Could, But We Don't Care."


Here we see an afk chair line visually represented where it should NOT be:



Here we see what appears to be the same thing as the previous piece, but this time all stacked up onto two different points and in the middle of the base:



Ah, yes. The classic "There are people walking in place here, but they actually aren't here." piece. Notice the poor bastard on the top left of this piece stuck in the wall. What a gruesome sight:



Not as rare as the others, but a neccessary enough foundation for these pieces to exist. A common case of people sitting BEHIND chairs while at the same time sitting ON them. Original, elegant, and always haunting my dreams:



And lastly, we have the classic doppleganger piece. My body is on the right. My doppleganger on the left stuck clearly into the wall behind the flag:



Thank you for coming,

and dare I say,



God help us all.



Your Officionado,


woo good post. wish we could

woo good post. wish we could see more of this guy and his amazing galleries.

wonder what happened to him though.

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