Expired points

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Expired points

Hi could anyone explain or tell me whats with the expired points thing as i have been getting alot of points expired in my transaction page 

Hello, it's nothing to worry

Hello, it's nothing to worry about. On the left side of your "my account" it will show how many helmets you've earned in the past 7 and 30 days, each day that goes by obviously it's going to be deducting from that number because It's a new day, so its not actually deducting points off your account it's just removing points off that rewards tally.

The Master has responded

So you know how in the homepage of the UN website you can see "points earned in the last 7 days" or "31 days" something like that. Well everytime that 7 days or 31 days are over cause it hits 32 days or 8 days they expire on those list. For your overall points it's still there, your points are just no longer there for the 31 or 7 days thing. It's really nothing to worry about :) 

Ohhhh Okay Thanks Scott &

Ohhhh Okay Thanks Scott & Rose :D

well that happened   

well that happened 


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