So a common problem has been about arrows. There has been many disputes as to when a person needs to give an arrow back and when they don't. I have seen many arguments start over this. I mean it is common curtosey to give a seat back if someone disconnects and comes right back into base, but is it a rule? Also if they were gone for like 10min is it a rule to give it back? I really could not find anything on this besides the 2min rule. Would really appreciate it if someone would respond with an answer.
Date: December 16, 2014
On Going Question/Problem
In theory if someone does disconnect while they're in a seat which has the arrow. I think out of fairness they should claim their original seat back. But if someone was to disconnect, they would come back within under 5 minutes. There is no rules about it, it's just out of kindness. It's highly possible for someone to be disconnected for over 10 mins and the arrow is still there considering the arrow is only at a seat for about 5 minutes. Other then that, members should only be claiming a reward every 15 minutes and under 'guides' in the rules and guides section. Any free seat under 2 minutes shouldn't be claimed
alright fair enough. Does the same thing apply if they were afk. Because I see a lot of people stating the seat is someone's seat but they went afk for a bit or went to another room for something. I mean thats not disconnecting.
If someone afks out or gets kicked for afk, their seat is fair game. Afking is a big problem we have at UN and if the afk loses their seat, let it be a lesson to them. :)