question about absence- 14 days without earning a point

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question about absence- 14 days without earning a point

hello everyone, i just have a question.

i was reading about security because i will be reaching that rank soon, and i read about not earning a point in 14 days. I Just wanted to ask:

if i know i wont be on in 2 weeks how do i notify someone?

if i know i wont come on/ earn a point in 2 weeks, will my pay points be reset even if i notify someone, or are they only reset if its not been notified? 

hope that makes sense lol, thanks


Has this been answered? Since

Has this been answered? Since I'd like to know too (I know this is kinda old, but whateva)

I am new, But I think that

I am new, But I think that you just need to spend the points first, on credits or rank because rank usually isnt reset.

yes it was answered :) just

yes it was answered :) just make sure you convert pay to points if you know you wont be on for after 2 weeks :) otherwise you will be okay :D

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