Im new :D

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Im new :D

Having a great time so far, and just wanted to know that if there ´s any other way to earn rank points than buying them or earning them at base. Thanks :D

Rank points.

Welcome! Glad you're having fun! Rank points can be earned at base or purchased. You can also convert your pay points to rank points right here on the website. Also if you haven't taken the agent quiz go do it! It's 1000 rank points if you pass With 100%. The quizzes after that give rank points as well. Posting to this forum can also give you rank points. You get 50 points if someone likes your post, and 100 for every like after that.

There are a few more ways to earn rank points but these are the main ones. 

Ok, thanks for the info.

Ok, thanks for the info.

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