Quizes and Guides?

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Quizes and Guides?

I've joined recently and i dont know how everything really works.. To join i read a guide and did a quiz. Now i can do the "Agent Quiz" Shall i do it? Or wait till i'm said to? If i can do it now, shall i do the rest if they are enabled?

yes do the quizzes as they

yes do the quizzes as they become available



You can do the quizzes as soon as they are available to you. I suggest doing them, because passing them gives you the crucial knowledge you need for each rank. Also they give rank points when completed.

Make sure to refer to the

Make sure to refer to the guides when you do quizes, and you will notice that the quizes tend to repeat other quizes too so that you learn what you need to know quicker, so i'd make sure you do all quizes as soon as they are avaliable to you, before doing anything such as training/security/transfers.

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