Points problem

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Points problem

Can i ask why didnt my name on 17 febuary 2015 until 18 february 2015 points forum?On 17 february 2015,i had signed 5 times on the scoreboard.Its my first day working at this company.On 18 february 2015,i had signed 9 times-10 times on scoreboard but it also didnt have my name even 1 score also.Only on 19 february 2015,i get 8 point score from scoreboard http://prntscr.com/676mfe. that means on forum is one day ago.With another one http://prntscr.com/67028o i get 2 points.But the problem is where do my 2/3 total points from the day i start working here till now go?5 points lost at tuesday GMT 8:00+,9-10point lost at wednesday GMT 8:00+ and on 2 days ago after i back for my chinese new year,i start afking for rewards on 7:30p.m + GMT 8:00+ and signed for the afk rewards on 11:30+ GMT 8:00+.Another 4 points rewards gone.As total in (5+9+4)=18 points lost.What i get only is (2+8) points ,i am also very confuse with the screenshot and i am curious why my name doesnt appear in 16 and 17 feb those two days not only this but afk rewards too.I already keep working at 16 february and 17 february maybe if you dont trust you can ask other higher management that saw me keep working hardly to get the points. IGN:Shinmix


Boards are only posted when they have been completed meaning the boards with your names my not have been done yet. Keep in mind baord take between 1-3 days to be completed so please be patient. Secondly, if your name is not showing up on the scoreboard after you have claimed your reward that means you haven't claimed them correctly. Make sure there is less then 15 names on he board before you try and claim it. If there is no space left, you go into the next teleport until there is room.



ello m8

What Tony said.

Another reminder- If your name is already on board sit on chair

Another problem:My name no show up at room 002

On yesterday i had signed 15 times the score above LEGITflyingPIG, i remembered clearly and lightbullet2 was with the same room as I ,http://prntscr.com/6bh74v as you can see theres only 14 names on the scoreboard that means theres a missing name inside it.With fullscore board its already 15 person http://prntscr.com/6bh70c.From 9:30a.m Malaysia time i work until 6:05 p.m. but the screenshot does not showed by name even the sunday GMT Time screenshot in room 002 base rewards was posted.Besides that,its impossible that room 002 base rewards was not full but if its was room 006 its unable to fill in the scoreboard its still truth.But can you help me to solve this problem?Many peoples saw that i had worked from morning to evening.Maybe my points were deducted or the screenshot was not that day i worked but i hope you can help me find out whether the screenshot it was taken on sunday Malaysia time or another day.


Its not about waiting 1-3days but its already posted the scores for room 002 at 1 March 2015.Maybe you can see me keep working but why i did not got any names on the scoreboard eventhough it was 1 score only.

Not Teleported

I got this problem http://snag.gy/ORLsr.jpg its is actually like i should been teleported to the green chair and i supposed to have a helmet the thing is that i sitted and i got like lock in it and when it turns 00:00 and im free so why is that im not on the green chair i supposed to have the helmet.

Its solved :)


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