Whn you are checking habboUN in class while...

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Whn you are checking habboUN in class while...

Whn you are checking habboUN in class while listening to Of Mice & Men, you know you're going places, LOL

i dont like hoe that book

i dont like hoe that book ends nor the movie.... he just wanted to Pet the wabit

He's talking about the band;

He's talking about the band; not the book. And he wanted to pet mice and not rabbits c:


Caitie is right, i'm talking about the banned but never much about the book except that's where they got their namesake from haha, Broken Generation for the win!

Loveee their new song. I much

Loveee their new song. I much prefer their 'The Flood' album, but I guess 'Restoring Force' is good too :)

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