About recruiting

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About recruiting

As a trainer I think we should test the trainees as we go along.. I mean some of the agents don't even know what ATT means and one of them asked me if I could help them pass their quiz.. He didn't even read the guide properly and he was saying that he read it and then I tested him but he failed.. This is why I think we should also test them as we go along to see if they are actually doing what they are told.


The UN Guides are there to Help members find out what there role is in each Divison, and they should remember everything from the past Division.

Often they are too lazy to

Often they are too lazy to read guides, or even sign up for that matter. You can always stress the important to them of reading the guides. Testing as we go along could also make some trainees impatient, they'd rather get out and start working. Remember, you don't necessarily have to say the transcript on the website word by word, its a guide on what needs to be said. You could always reiterate what things like ATT mean when you are finishing up! Great suggesting though, trainee's are often confused once in base and end up leaving the UN because they do not understand it! It can all depend on the Trainer.

Can I add one thing (even

Can I add one thing (even though it isn't about the original discussion, but still regarding training...)

We should be stressing the importance of Rules & Guidelines (Guides > Rules and Guidelines). Soooo many times I've had to explain a rule to an agent and he/she had no idea because it wasnt mentioned in training or on the traine guide.

Yeah, some rules need to be

Yeah, some rules need to be added to the Trainee guide! Despite being common courtesy, rules such as no seat stealing. It wouldn't be to hard. I think they could replace reminder 3) in the Trainer transcript, as it seems unimportant. Definitely a great idea nat!

Rules and Guidelines

I think we should also have the trainees read the 'Rules and Regulations' Guides>Rules and Regulations) I dont know if its only to agents? I'm not sure, but The 2/15 minute rules are explained, and so are lost of important rules.

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