Making fun of someone

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Making fun of someone

dear UN,

Today I witnessed a few members, (not listing any names) making fun of another UN member. Might I remind you all that we work in the same agency so it would be helpful if instead of talking behind backs about another member, you either confront them about it, or simply shut your mouth. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. I just know that if someone talks dirty about me, keep doing it. You're doing your job as a hater :D.


If you got the facts right, (which I'm sure you did not) you would have known that this specific user you're targetting was simply recounting an experience he had. While I am not able to retrieve screenshots as evidence of that, I do have witnesses that will support the stand that this user did not make fun of whoever it is that you're defending. I'm also sure you weren't reading the previous chat, and just rushed to defend your friend. Well if you had taken the time to read what this user had said previously, you would know that there was no such "talking behind the backs of another member". No one was making fun of anyone, it was simply a recount of an incident that occured on April Fools' Day. If you see a pun it in and ponder too much on that thought, then that does not concern us anymore. We'd all appreciate it very much if you would get your facts right before yelling profanities at a fellow UN worker, especially one of a higher rank. 

I'm just saying, it's wrong

I'm just saying, it's wrong to make fun of people. And I had no context so that's why i deffended them, but thank you for the clarification. :)


Yes, it's great that you reminded our workers in the UN that it is wrong to make fun of people. Now with your clarification I hope you actually do apologize as this user has been greatly affected by what you have said. Because I hope you know, that disrespect is something the UN frowns upon. 

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