15/2 min rule, and Agents Talking about Higher Ranks

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15/2 min rule, and Agents Talking about Higher Ranks

I hate that the 15 and 2 minute rules are not in the guides. I have to explain them to EVERY agent who steals a seat. I also think noob clicking should be explained. 

Recently, agents have been not respecting higher ranks. They have been saying things like: "You're a higher rank, I should have the seat, not you! I'm just an agent!!" or "She can go anywhere! I am just an agent I can only go here!" This is about FTF. About how I can go work other places, and they should get MY reward that I worked for. 

Also, has anyone else been doubted by lower ranks? Like someone accused me of not following the 15 minute rule, just because I had alot of rewards on the scoreboard!

If anyone else has had something like this happen to them, please bring it up in the comments. This should be taken into account.



Yes, yes yes. I was meaning to bring this up in UN a while ago but whateva.

Don't think I can add anything else to what you said tho Jade XD


True. It Happens Most Of The Time.

The rate you were receiving

The rate you were receiving points was way shorter than the 15min rule that you were trying to apply to me.. nobody was accusing you of anything it's just the scoreboard said enough lol. And I wasn't the only one who noticed, but that's none of  my business 


I PROMISE, that I have not broken the 15, nor 2 minute rule since I became aware of them. Austin told me about them, after a didn't follow them a empty day in base, and since that day, they have stayed followed by me.

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