Is this kind of stuff okay, or am i just taking this too seriously?!

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Is this kind of stuff okay, or am i just taking this too seriously?!

Basically photo's attached should do justice. this guy was bugging me to leave my seat before i get paid out so he can get a free reward, and then got all wierd with me after?

Links to the screenshots for any staff to view ^ 


listen man sorry about this my brother was on my pc messing around because he also plays habbo but i have apologised as much as i can and i hope the HM can understand this if not i will accept what is said to me but it shall never happen again and once again i am sorry!


Disregard this matter. Me and

Disregard this matter. Me and Mike solved it interally via PM

Way to go!

Nice job on working this out. Everyone should restrain from other siblings on their accounts :l It sucks I know.

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