Warning! Someone in UN attempting to phish

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Warning! Someone in UN attempting to phish

I was lazy to edit the photo, but on the right side of the screen you can see the message that I was sent. He's adding and attempting to have people go to a website where you enter your details and are hacked. His name is "ThisIsOne!-"


^ Image link. Zoom in and look at my habbo message.

One thing, he could have been

One thing, he could have been hacked/phished and the hacker was on his account trying to get more people to visit the site. Be careful either way..

Oh yes, I got a message from

Oh yes, I got a message from him also. Could be he got hacked too but hard to know for sure.

He was def hacked as he is

He was def hacked as he is now using another account

The hacked account should be

The hacked account should be banned asap from the UN room & website until this gets sorted out.

oh nooo

nooooo another hacked account!

Tip for those people on Habbo, do not go to any site that DOESNT have habbo.com before the first slash.

real: ex.habbo.com/client (note the habbo.com is sperated by a dot, which signifies an genuine habbo link)

fake: exhabbo.com/client  (looks official as it has habbo.com in it, however it is NOT seperated by a dot)

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