about getting higher in ranks

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about getting higher in ranks

does the rank points/pay points increase as you level up?
witch ranks do you need a new badge at?

it's 250/250 all the way. If

it's 250/250 all the way. If you want quick Ranks to access all areas of base I suggest converting points until 150K, or close to 150K. That's what I did and I got LDR in less than a month. http://habboun.com/pages/ranks-list is COMPLETE ranklist but badges are 

5K - Security Badge
10K - Trainer Badge
20K - Operations Badge
40K - HM badge
80K - SM badge
150K - LDR badge
400K - GOV badge
800K - OOA badge(PENDING review[You need to apply for this badge and be approved by owners])
1.4M - OWN badge(Also pending review)

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