bye :')

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bye :')

I've worked at <UN> on a few different accounts and every time I felt the same. I'm transfering to [AHC] for a bit. I might come back, it all depends on if I'm accepted there or not. If I do decide to stay, I'm going to miss all of you guys. I have made a great amount of friends, and not that many enemies. There have been some slow days where i just slacked off with my friends, and there have been some busy days where i had to train four recruits at a time. This place will always hold a special spot in my heart, and so will all of the people. I'll always love you guys.


                                                                                                                                       ~K@w@ll B3@r (Netters52)

We will miss you!!

You are always welcome back! Hope you have a good time! :)


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