Hello ladies and gentlement on UN
I am Awesome-27, or as known by Harp, the owner of DOI, recently under surveys, we have known that most people tend to fill the help desk more than working in an area that requires people such as Security or Training. We understand, an arrow helps us get to our goals in UN, but isn't it better to give that arrow up to help someone else get their goal? We aren't trying to order you to do anything, but people who are OPR and above should know that is says in the guidelines: If there is someone waiting to be Transfered, Trained or waiting in Security. Please service them before filling Help desk. We are working on making improvements in the United Nations and we want to improve the working responses in those areas.
Thank you for reading. Harp
Thanks for this I was wondering when something would be said
Yeah I thought to post this as a way to show people that we want to make a change that can benefit all of UN as a whole really :)
So if you are already sitting at the help desk and someone comes to security, training etc., do you have to move and help them?
I'm not sure how exactly to interpret the statement
I mean people tend to just work where the arrow is rather than where they are needed.
Right because there is something in the OPR that states that "IF there is someone waiting in the SEC or TRN, please service them before filling the Help Desk". It'd be nice for you to move and help them, because after all it isn't like it isn't mentioned anywhere.
It's well detailed in the OPR guides that it is recommended not to be filled while no one is helping in Security and Training and at times Leadership (If you can access the LDR area) but we, as DOI feel as it is really getting out of hand and want to improve this, to benefit the united nations as a whole :) if you still got questions, do talk to me in base, or to awesomefusco, Scarlet.Jade or the DOI team with the DOI badge :) we will be happy to discuss any enquiries or opinions on the situation! we are the improvements department, we are here for you guys! :D