Mobile Trainees

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Mobile Trainees

Because Habbo is available on mobile, a good amount of Trainees we get are on mobile. I know this has caused problem with the whole rewards system since if your on mobile you cant see the scoreboard. However, it has also cause frustration in the training room daily. I think Trainees should be told either at FTF or in FTS that they WILL need to be on a computer or have one nearby because they WILL be needed to get on our website. Doing this would save SOOOOO much confusion and frustration.

Yeah but..

Yeah but a majority of mobile users come to UN, it would suck to have to send them away.


Ive trained a lot of trainees on mobile and usually 70% of them get through training. Just give them instructions on what to do when they log off, write the instructions on a piece of paper. Tel lthem if they encounter any problems, they can come back to the training room to ask. If you're not there already, ask them to tell the current trainer that you were their previous trainer and you've already told them what to do, just that they have questions regarding the site. :)

I'm a mobile user...

I know where you guys are coming from, but I don't have a working computer at the moment, and it would suck to have to leave the UN.

I think what should happen instead is that the people at the front desk ask if the person is mobile or not, and if they are, they change their motto to [UN] Mobile Trainee, so the trainer knows.  Then when they come back from the quiz after they get disconnected, they change their motto to [UN] Return Trainee, so the trainer knows just to check the quiz and give the reminders.  Yeah, it's complicated, but the UN will lose a lot of people like me if a workaround isn't possible and people start getting all "anti-mobile".

As for the scoreboard, I think all anyone can do about that is send messages to the Habbo staff asking them to add scoreboards to the app.  I think I might have lost a few rewards through not being able to check the scoreboards already, because I should be on 5000 by now...


Sorry if this is the wrong place to post suggestions, I'm new here...

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