I'm a failure.

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I'm a failure.

Sorry about this post guys, but today I'm feeling like a failure. I've been here on and off and everyone knows me as the girl who is rude. I want to change that but I don't know how to. I feel like I'm a failure to my Trainees. Especially to those that have gotten to know me. I'm super nice. I just want to change the bad side of me and I'm feeling upset at myself because I let things get in my way. I don't know what to do please help me. Feel like giving up right now. :(


I've also applied for all SU's and been rejected. Wish I could be better. Don't know how to. :(

Leaving UN I guess. :(

Noone cares about me being here. I'm just going to leave since I'm no help. Thanks for everything UN. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. :(

Chill NavalTiger

Naval, although I only joined UN for probably 1 week, I think you are ok. Anyway this is a online game. No one would take another seriously over the Internet. Just have fun and enjoy ourselves. 

Pissed off and leaving now.

Kuramah took my seat after he kicked me. I didn't want to talk because of what has happened today which was a funeral. Then he proceeded to tell me to fk myself. I really want to leave now. :(

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