Should United Nations have more working space ?

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Should United Nations have more working space ?

Hello. When im online for the past 2-3 days, all the working space are full. And usually there are more people than working space.

I suggest having more working opportunties. 
If owners are going to add more working space, do consider adding more rank & pay points per arrow since it would take longer to obtain reward.

United Nations is getting more active, sometimes I cant even get in becauses its full. Thats wonderful for UN but sadly, i cant work..

I agree, kinda.

I agree that we should have more spaces with more jobs but I think the arrow reward is fair.

More seats would mean it

More seats would mean it would take like an hour plus to get the same reward people won't want to work if it takes that long to earn one reward so they would need to do something with the reward system. Maybe they could have a second base only open at busy times. It would be the exact same so rewards every 35 minutes but 2 bases means double work space

I think this may have been

I think this may have been brought up before but I definately support it. On a bad day you can get a reward and by the time you come back all the seats are taken so you politely wait for seats to become available only to find someone standing behind them to protect them as theirs or people running to them before you can. If this happens I usually just give up lol and go do something else. It is definately happening more often now

I agree as well.

The 250 pay points is alright, but I wish to have more work areas, like adding another arrow maybe

apparently we have a second

apparently we have a second base even ask but i know what you mean]



The second base is used when something is wrong with the main one like if it's getting re-designed or when the wireds glitch. 


If you add more stations in base that means that it takes longer for the arrow to go through a whole cycle. So when base is full, instead of waiting for 35 minutes you'll have to wait for even longer then that. Everyone station you add is an additional 5 minutes to the total cycle time.


It also makes it really easy for users to arrow hunt during quiet periods, which would be unfair for everyone else.


I think it would take a lot of credits adding the wired as well and a lot of time doing everything.

Could we not add like a

Could we not add like a second arrow system and when we are quiet block acess to certain desks with ducks in the air and once the room count reachs x amont the ducks move and when the rooms below that then the ducks go back.

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