About PP and Reward System

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About PP and Reward System

Hello, guys. I was wondering...


If a rewards room have 14 OR MORE person in the scoreboard will the whole scoreboard be removed or disregarded?

I have 8 rewards, when I was registering for my 8th, I counted the list of people and it was 15 people- it has been 3 days and the rewards are not registed on this website. 





Thank you,



Hello Luke,

  Simply put, if a reward room has 14+ names on it and your name isn't on that board, then just find another room with less names. If your name is on the board though, you can continue to use the same board until it is cleared. Also if you have made 8 rewards and it has passed 3 days, you can speak to an owner for assistance.

Thank you very much, sir.

Thank you very much, sir. Much appreciation.

I would speak to an owner soon.

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