Not really an important question tho.

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Not really an important question tho.

Today I met an agent whom I just talked to at the help desk. He came from the red thrones in front of the front desks and I didn't have anything to do at that time so I checked his motto. Well his motto didn't show that he was an UN agent, more like described that he was a worker from a public place (non-agency, e.g: hospital, shop, etc). It suprised me a bit so I had something in mind that I wanted to know if he had quitted from UN or not. I saw him sitting at the front desk and an agent told him to change his motto and also to remove that public place badge (then I know he still keeps an agency's badge) before he got checked by the securities. Yeah then he continued to work at front desk. Is it okay to have a job outside UN, specially at a non-agency workplace? And if it's yes, is it called double-jobbing?


to be honest, I've met several people with the same problem.


Im not sure

But if so it is still a job and double jobbing isnt allowed i also experienced this myself

My opinion

this is rule , if you saw someone with another agency badges then its double jobbing , and as you know its not allowed..

main badges might not cause problems ,..

and i want to add something

You don't have to do this in forum , you can just go to help desk and ask someone , I'm pretty sure he will help you with everything =)

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