Someone being disrespectful to me

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Someone being disrespectful to me

_Deezy being rude to me in the reward room:


A lower rank being rude to me.
Me leaving?

Right now I'm debating to leave because of others bullying me. Blessed dumped me 3 days ago and she won't stop harrassing me. I've told her nicely to stop and yet she continues. I'm trying to help her as well so then she won't get deducted or in more trouble. Deciding tonight whether or not to leave for good. :(


navy just ignore her and

navy just ignore her and thats it 

you are being selfish

you are not thinking about your friends


Is that going to help your decision


Your call

It up to you if youre leaving, but atleast you stated your problem and i think it will stop now :) 

Thanks for letting us know

Thanks for letting us know here Navy. There should be zero tolerance in UN. Please don't leave and just ignore her :) We are here for you! If the issue still continue after today, tell an owner. 


Thanks for your support guys. I appreciate it. Oh and I will tell a owner if it continues to happy. Not leaving. :)

This is seriously funny

Y'all don't even know the reason I'm off on her like she been getting on my damn nerves with everything. Y'all make me laugh like I'm dying with laughter on this shit. SMFH

There is

There is always 2 sides of a story

WTF dude

WTF dude

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