Give 2 min to the unfortunate people who d/c?

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Give 2 min to the unfortunate people who d/c?

Most people don't have problems with WiFi but you may not be aware of those with periodic interruptions in their internet access (me). I find this a troublesome issue, not only with Habbo but also using the internet in general. I have lost many rewards caused by disconnection problems and always feel upset whenever I see someone else happily taking what should have been mine - the fruit of my own hard work.

Therefore, it is my wish the more privileged UN members who only rarely have disconnections allow their less privileged counterparts some time to reclaim their reward in the event of a disconnection. 

I feel the implementation of a 2-minute policy where in-base members wait before taking the seat of the person who left will be more inclusive to all members, as we all come from different backgrounds, different places with different privileges, definitely also with varying degrees of internet access. This will make for a more caring, equal and inclusive UN community. 

I sincerely hope the owners and whoever has the power to will take my humble suggestion into account and improve on the system appropriately.

Thank you.



As it currently stands, if an employee were to disconnect at an arrow the employee loses 'ownership' of the arrow. If there is still more then 2:00 minutes on the timer, it is up to the person who has taken your seat to decide whether they wish to give you your seat back or not if you were to return. To my understanding if you disconnect with less then 2:00 minutes on the timer and return before the end of that time has passed you may retake the seat which would otherwise be deemed "unclaimable" to any other employee as it's under 2:00 minutes.

Thank you for the suggestion however we cannot save seats for people who disconnect as it would take a lot of effort from the ownership team to govern your proposed rule. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to send them to us, we're always looking to improve as an agency and are open to suggestions.

Kind Regards,

United Nations Owner


I've posted about a similar topic a year back, and these are the responses I've received. You might see that there are more disadvantages than advantages to the suggestions, but it was a kind thought. 

Thank you for your suggestion.

Thank you for your suggestion and the time you've put into it. We appreciate your suggestion but unfortunately the 2 minute rule is there to make it more fair for the whole of UN. For example say you've been sat at that seat for 32 minutes and then you dc just before 2 minutes and you came back, wouldn't you be annoyed if you found somebody else sat there? People would just be able to wait until those who unfortunately do not have a strong connection to DC after all of their hard work and just take the seat during the last 2 minutes which frankly is unfair in my opinion. It may be annoying that you aren't able to claim the seat after the 2 minute mark has passed but honestly it makes UN a lot fairer for all internet connections. 

Thank you for your suggestion but the 2 minute rule is there to make UN fairer for all internet connections and less biased based on internet connections. If we allowed people with a bad internet connection to break the rule or to just brush it aside it would become biased and very unfair since all members are expected to follow the standard UN Rules. Thank you for your suggestion.

Thank you for the responses

Thank you all for the quick responses! I have taken a look at the previous forum on disconnection and I respect that UN already has the 2-minute rule in place. I understand that there will be more disadvantages than advantages if another disconnection rule is implemented. Thank you for clearing up this matter. 

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