Reward points

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Reward points

Hi all, i have one question.

The scoreboard cleared yesterday night, but the points are not update here yet. Is this normal?
How long more do I need to wait for the points to be updated?? :)



Some points take longer to upload after clearing then others, as different Owners do different boards. Just keep checking your account and the points forum.

Good evening :)

hi..i just want to asked the reason why i got -20 on rewards far as i've remember, i claimed all my rewards..when i checked my account it says that may points have expired..why?


thanks :)


Dont worry, your RP and PP are not affected. This just means the points have "expired" on the "last 30 days" and "last 7 days" leaderboard as it has passed the 30 day period. Hope this clears things up! :)


thank you for replying :) 

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