Hello There!

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Hello There!

I am BetrysR, but a humble lich trying to blend into human society. I must obtain currency to get even cuter clothes after all! I must be the prettiest undead of them all. Nice to meet you! <3


BetrysR, huh. Nice name! I'm Sharon. I hope you enjoy working in Habbo UN. It's not that hard, and, I'm sure you'll be quick on your way to further undead cuteness. :)

Hey BetrysR! (You're going to

Hey BetrysR! (You're going to have to help me with how you pronounce that if I ever give you a shoutout on our radio) And totally agree with you on the cuter clothes part! Pleased to meet you and hope we become friends in base soon!

Welcome <3

Welcome to UN! Hope you find it really fun here!

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