[DOF] Questions and Answers - What would you improve ?

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[DOF] Questions and Answers - What would you improve ?

Hello lovely UN people Evanescent,. aka PinkPolka9182.. here with a new article on how would you improve UN in it's current way! I asked 3 lovely members of UN if they could improve one thing in UN, what would this be and why ? using this as a way to find out what people want from the agency to make UN evergrowing!

First up is xRott!ngBeautyx aka Beth, a lovely DOF too! xRott!ngBeautyx joined UN a couple weeks ago from HIA. When I asked xRott!ngBeautyx what she would like to improve this is what she said:

Changing the boards within the rewards room is something that all the rooms need to enable all members of UN get a chance of earning rewards. Some days some Owners are not around to change the boards making earning points a little difficult.

Thank you xRott!ngBeauty for bringing this up as Owners do their best for us and are always looking for alternative ways to change boards to help us!

Next up is Maorga, currently at Leadership rank and joined UN 6 months ago. When I asked Maorga what she would like to improve she answered:

Having more reward rooms would help definitely, stopping the list making and enabling more time for people to earn rewards and claim them on the scoreboards. Again as I said before Owners are aware of this and are always trying to help us! and thank you for your opinion.

Finally up next is Plumpsoup, only having joined UN 2 days ago and is Agent rank, I asked her the same question as before and this is what she said about improvements within UN:

With this we do have Dept. of Events who host games outside of base and DOI who also advertise outside of UN, so this is kinda being done. But maybe a little more we could get more members in ? Thank you Plumpsoup for your view!

Next question coming up: Do you think low and high ranks communicate together enough ?

Be sure to comment below with what you think relating to the question I asked our 3 lovely UN members!


The Following

Larger Headquaraters - with more ways to earn points include an attractive/friendly set up. 

Seperate training room instead of in base training so it doesn't mix up with others that are speaking in HQ.

Better looking VIP area for citizens who wish to seek entry as a specialized personnel into our base.

Also I do think low and high ranks communicate together enough.

That's all I got so far!


very interesting to read, i

very interesting to read, i agree with some of the things brought up. I think that we do interact with different ranks, but i think it could be improved.


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